Thursday, November 30, 2006

Justice League Unlimited #27 - DC

Like I've said many times before, I know these books are aimed at a younger audience, but, to a regular comic geek, they are a very nice distraction. They're styled exactly like the cartoon series on Cartoon Network. They're usually always 1 issue stories, and, since they're aimed at kids, they always seem to have some type of moral. This one has Black Lightning fighting the Parasite. The Parasite really wants Superman, but he's off planet. So, some other heroes come down from the satellite to try to take him down. They all go down except for Black Lightning. But, all of his powers have been drained. So, if he's going to take him on, it has to be as a "normal". So he uses a little of his ingenuity, and a downed power line, to basically overpower him and shut him down. His inspiration comes from a kid in his class. During the melee he sees the young man trying to help an old lady, who probably can't help herself. And even though he may be in harms way, he's still trying to help her. So, if the young man won't give up, how can Black Lightning? I know it's corny. But, it's still a cute story. And like I said, I like being distracted by these simple 1 issue stories now and again.

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