Sunday, November 19, 2006

Fantastick Four 1602 #2 - Marvel

Let me state a few things here first. I like this 1602 concept. I liked both of the first two series. Actually I liked the first one over the second, but, the second was good in that it introduced us to a lot more of the eras heroes, I mean "witchbreed". Also, I really like the Fantastic Four. They're a great set of characters whose interactions are "real". The interaction and banter between them is consistent with a "real" family. And, they're dysfunctional. As are all "real" families. Now, on to the criticism, I haven't seen anything new in these first two issues, that I wouldn't see in any other FF book. I really feel like I'm reading any other FF story, but with 17th century grammar. And, I don't want to seem like I'm picking on Peter David, but, with the inception of this concept, I saw a lot of imagination. That's why I don't think I liked the second as well as the first. The first had more imagination, but the second had more characters, while still involving the ideas and concepts of the first. This one, I feel, is nothing more than any other FF story, but happens to use the 1602 moniker as it's backdrop. Again, I'm really not trying to pick on Peter David alone, maybe it was a Marvel management decision to go at this book like this. Or maybe they just wanted to get another 1602 title out there and weren't overly concerned about it's content. But, this title has nowhere near the imagination or ideas of the first two. As I also feel, unfortunately, does Peter David. But, to his defense, the writers of the first two, seemed to put so much thought and imagination into them, that maybe it's unfair for me to judge Peter's work against theirs. But, again, since it is essentially the same concept, or an appendage there of, I expected the same degree of excellence. I'm sorry, but I don't see it. For those of you who love the FF, you'll like this book. For those of you who've read the other 1602 titles first, you're going to feel cheated. I'm sorry I can't say anything better, but that's how I feel about it.

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