Thursday, November 05, 2009

Project Superpowers Chapter 2 - #4 - Dynamite Entertainment

I think I'm getting a feel for this series and where it's going. But . . there's just so much going on here . . and so many characters to keep track of . . it's a little daunting. I'll take the events in order, for this one. First Samson has been taken down by Captain Future and is in the hospital trying to recuperate. But how do you heal someone such as Samson? The Green Lama is trying to give the Pentagon back to the people, but . . he's also trying to make sure that it's not under the Supremacy's control. Which is really what this whole attack was about. The Black Terror has come to tell him that he's heading off in a different direction. 'I know attacking the Pentagon was, well, my idea and all. But, I've had another one. Another idea, I mean.' He wants to save his friend the American Crusader. Since these new Crusaders are all clones of him, he's convinced that if he kills them all . . he'll save his friend. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like a normal thought process to me. Anyways, the Inheritors are in Swisslakia where the Boy King is trying to save Burning Eagle. The Devil and his group of people have just stopped Claw from attacking NYC, and now they're off to Europe . . where they think the next attack will happen. By the way, we think Truth is dead. Or at least Dare does. But you never know. Right? Lady in Red, Lady Satan and Masquerade have all come together out of like concerns. Masquerade is afraid of how her entering others has changed her. But she does so once again when Captain Future strikes at the hospital where Samson is. Also, while trying to help Samson recover, the Scarab has come to warn the Green Lama that the Supremacy has found other heroes appearing around the globe. They've been gathering them up and brain-washing them to their way of thinking. They want the fight to be supermen against supermen. Anyways, when Future attacks he's after the Flame. In the process he takes out a couple of heroes and puts a hole through Samson. After Masquerade inhabits him she finds out that he's not a hero. ' . . if there was an Urn . . there was it's maker . . the father of all myths. Who used man as a plaything. Captain Future . . he is a god. He's Zeus.' Ok. I didn't see that one coming. I mean . . overall I think Alex Ross and Jim Krueger have put together a fantastic story here. It's got everything you could want in a comic-book . . a super-hero comic-book. It's just sometimes I feel like maybe it's all just to much. I'm sure that's the purpose behind all these mini-series. They have to have some way to fill us in on some of the stuff they just don't have room for here. But it really is a lot of stuff. This is one of those franchises where you're either 'all-in' or 'all-out'. There's not much in the middle for somebody who hasn't read it all. I have . . and I'm still a bit befuddled. Anyways, I think Alex and Jim are doing a great job. Edgar Salazar's work gets better and better with every issue. When this whole thing first started I thought he was a decent artist. Now I think the guy has some huge potential. If you haven't been picking this up, my suggestion would be to get the TPB. You'll get bigger pieces of the puzzle. I'm sure these issues aren't to hard to find, but . . why not do some one stop shopping?

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