Thursday, July 09, 2009

Wednesday Comics #1 - DC

Well . . this is different. It's set up just like the comic section of the Sunday newspaper. It's got the same kind of look and flow to it as those serials. And, from what I understand, these stories will be dragged out over the 12 issues of this experiment. The good thing about this is, there's no adds. Well, one on the back fold for Robot Chicken. But we have a great cast of stories set up here, with a huge cast of creators. There's Superman by Arcudi & Bermejo, Batman by Azzarello & Risso, Kamandi by Gibbons & Sook, Hawkman by Kyle Baker, Deadman by Bullock & Hauck, Green Lantern by Busiek & Quinones, Metamorpho by Gaiman & Allred, Teen Titans by Berganza and Galloway, Strange Adventures by Paul Pope, Supergirl by Palmiotti & Conner, Metal Men by Didio, Gacia-Lopez & Nowlan, Wonder Woman by Talent Caldwell, Sgt Rock by father & son, the Flash by Kerschl & Fletcher, and the one that surprised me the most Catwoman and the Demon by Simonson & Steelfreeze. Of the stories themselves, the ones that seemed like they fit the format the best were Kamandi, Hawkman, Strange Adventures and Sgt Rock. They just had the feel, and look of something that could've been in the paper. I liked, or appreciated all the stories, but looking at this paper unfolded before me, I'm taken back to when I was a kid and rushed to read the color comics in the Sunday paper. The comics the rest of the week were ok. But Sunday's were in color. Like I said, I liked the rest of the stories . . Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, but . . the Sunday comics were never that flashy. There was never anything like Bermejo, Risso or Quinones' work. My other complaint, kind of, is that having read comics and knowing how long some of these stories can be dragged out, it just didn't seem like we received near enough information in the one page spread. Oh yeah, and it was $3.99. $3.99? Are you kidding me? I definitely didn't feel that it was worth that price tag. Ok. I'm sorry. I'm starting to get kind of negative here. I know this is an experiment. And, I appreciate what they're trying to do. I got the newspaper feel from it. But overall, it just felt like a page blown up from 15 different comics. Other than the uniqueness of the whole thing . . there was nothing that really stood out to draw me back week after week. I'm sure this whole thing was a 'cool' idea. And everybody got all excited when the characters and names started getting thrown around. But, in my opinion. The presentation of the material was lacking. Lacking what, though? I'm not sure. With this medium there wasn't really much they could've changed. I'm a little confounded after thinking this all through. Maybe it'll grab me more next week.

1 comment:

  1. i am anxious for the hardcover collection-i think this will be a much easier read in the format
    though i admit this was a fun idea and i hope they do this again this summer

    also if you like the Sgt. Rock feature
    -p-up the Sgt. Rock by Tucci series (or trade)

    well researched and highly entertaining
