Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the Amazing Spider-man #599 - Marvel

Joe Kelly did a fantastic job of wrapping up this story-line this issue. Phil Jimenez does the cover and Stephen Segovia and Marco Checchetto do the interiors. We ending last issue with Harry donning the armor that his father had made for him . . and coming to Spider-man's rescue. Actually, I think he just felt guilt that he'd put him in this position . . thrown him to the dogs . . shoved him under the bus. Plus, he's looking for an excuse to hit his dad. After all, he had Lily pretend that it was Harry's baby when all along he knew it was his. What a freak! It was touching when Peter was thinking back on all the things that made he and Harry friends. But when it came down to it, it wasn't Peter fighting at Harry's side . . it was Spider-man. While Harry has no lost love for Spider-man, he hates his dad even more. Plus, I think he does believe that Spider-man actually came here to help him. So he owes him. The fight goes out to Central Park, and Harry and his dad are going at it pretty good. Menace is trying to keep Spider-man out of it. But he does have enough in him to talk Harry down when it looks like he may be able to go for the killing blow. "Dude . . don't aim for his head. It has to be the neck. Pop that bad boy clean off . . I think he can survive acute head trauma. Goblin juice. I don't know . . haven't you thought this through? He would have. I'll bet you he knows five ways to kill you even in that suit. Fifteen ways to do me . . detailed plans . . probably little drawings too . . with x's instead of eyes. A man like Norman knows exactly how to get what he wants through murder, torture, sheer force of his demented will. And if you kill him . . you'll finally become the son he's always wanted. You're not your father, Harry. You never have to live life on his terms ever again. It's your choice." Harry thinks about it . . and he walks away. That was a fantastic scene. Right before all of this happens Norah gets some secret files with the guy's card that she's been flirting with. She can't wait to go home and send off a killer story to Ben Urich. But then as she's talking to him, someone hacks her computer. She sees video of her 'flirt' guy getting tortured, and then her using the card. "I never forget people who mess in my affairs. Never!" It looks like she won't be writing that story anytime soon. Later, Peter is in the hospital from his 'hit and run', and Aunt May and JJ Sr. are making sure he's taken care of. Harry goes to a rehab facility to help him get off of the Goblin juice. But he can't tell them what it is, so he says " . . my body is rejecting a compound. Something I received in . . medical trials." She prescribes 80 milligrams of Oxycontin, twice a day. I don't think Harry's going to be getting over his addictions any time soon. And Norman's playing 'goo-goo' with Lily and his baby. " . . you used to have a brother, but he's dead to us now . . killed by a spider. But you won't be afraid of spiders . . you won't be afraid of anything. Together, we'll kill it once and for all . . my Goblin prince . . . . he kicked. He can hear me. Good boy." I wonder when Lily is going to start to realize that she got in a little over her head on this. And next issue . . . #600. 104 pages of story and art. Wow! I can't wait.

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