Saturday, September 02, 2006

New Avengers #23 - Marvel

For some reason this book seems to be running a month or so behind the Civil War storyline. So we already know that Jessica Drew has joined Cap's resistance. But this book explains, I guess, how she came to that decision. She starts out being attacked and abducted by SHEILD. After interrogating her, HYDRA busts onto the scene and liberates her. Nearly crashing the SHEILD helicarrier right in to NYC. She wakes up to find herself on HYDRA island in the lap of luxury. It seems that the reason they abducted her is because they feel that Viper is unstable. So they want to have a 'coup. They want to get rid of Viper, and install Jessica as the new Madame Hydra. And yes they know about her double, or triple (?), agent status. "What keeps me going specifically is that four or five times in my life . . . I've had the honor . . .no, the privelage . . . of being on a HYDRA base somewhere in the middle of nowhere . . . . . just like this one . . . . . and blowing it and everyone on it straight to hell." , is what Jessica tells Connelly shortely before she does just that. She thens traveses the country going through all of Fury's old hidden bases looking for him, or Cap. She ends up finding Cap, and begs him, "Please take me! Please! I have nowhere else to go!" I'm just wondering how Bendis can right this many good books every month? Is the "Clone Saga" over in USM based on personal experience? Seriously, this man is a machine. They obviously have him chained to a desk in the bullpen. I just hope they're feeding him regularly.

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