Sunday, September 10, 2006

Batman Journey into Knight #11 - DC

Ok this maxi series takes place in the very beginning of Bruce's foray into his nocturnal activities. He's so inexperienced that some executives from Wayne industries, with grandious dreams of power, have set up an elaborate plan to get rid of him. First they sent him to a hypnotist. This was to set up a trigger that would send him in to a violent rage. Then they set up a stage where he could publicly go into this rage and it would look like he was making an attempt on one of the board member's life. They then had him drugged up and sent to Arkham, where they hoped that he would be lost in the system and no one would be the wiser. Well then we got the Joker. One of the inmates recognizes Bruce, lets the Joker know, and now the Joker has his own elaborate plans for Bruce. Through some drug induced dreams, Joker is trying to make him believe, first, that his parents were never killed in the alley. And then that his father was a narcissistic tyrannt who never really loved him and disowned him for his playboy behavior. And then he plans to convince him that he is Bruce's new doctor, gain his trust, and then mold his violent tendencies and rage into a protege' for the Joker. Like I said it's all pretty elaborate. And plans are like giants, the larger they are, the harder they fall. So next issue, the final in the series, I'm sure that the board members plans, and the Joker's plans, are going to come to a violent intersection.

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