Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ultimate X #1 - Marvel

Well, it turns out that this Ultimate X guy is actually Wolverine's son. Although, from the cover I don't think that's really a surprise to anyone. Apparently he was dropped off with James and Heather Hudson when he was an infant, and they've been raising him ever since. By the way . . James is the local Sheriff and Heather hosts a radio talk show. Anyways, James never told Jimmy of his true origins, because . . well, he didn't want to lose him. He'd come to think of him as his own son, and he didn't want him to pull away because he would try to find out, or be like, his real father. Although Jimmy does have some suspicions. In the beginning of the story, Jimmy is in a drag-race that ends with him crashing his car. He comes out all broken and bloodied, but by the time the law arrives . . his father, there's barely a scratch on him. So he knows that something is up, he's not like the rest of the High School kids. But since his parents aren't' talking . . at least not to him, he doesn't find out the full extent of his suspicions until Kitty comes to pay him a visit. After Wolverine died, she thought that he might want to know a little bit about his real father. But she didn't come right away. Mutants are outlaws right now, and she was hoping to spare him the persecution. But then, I think, she loved Wolverine so much that she probably thought that she could help him live on through his son. In the hologram where Wolverine introduces himself to his son, he mentions 'You need to start thinking about the future. That future . . ? Talk to Kitty about this idea I've got. But listen to your folks.' I'm guessing that he wants Jimmy to gather up some of the younger new mutants and re-establish the X-Men. I'm just guessing, but . . I don't think it's that much of a leap. Now, although he's Wolverine's son, there does appear to be some subtle differences. Kitty talks him into popping his claws. The first time out it's brutally painful. But that goes away pretty soon once he gets past the surprise. Obviously they're just bone. His skeleton was never treated with Adamantium. But then . . he knows enough about Wolverine to know that he had metal claws so, just by thinking about it, he wills his body to generate the metal and his claws become covered. I thought that was an interesting trick. I enjoyed this first issue. From the cover I expected it to be a little more ominous, but . . this was basically the introduction. I thought Jeph Loeb did a great job of keeping it fresh and interesting. It could've been really deep and depressing, but . . Jeph kept it upbeat . . for the most part. I also enjoyed Art Adams work. He's one of my favorite artists. But he hasn't done anything regular, lately. Hopefully he'll be sticking with this book for a while. In this particular issue I liked the way that he had Jimmy looking like a normal High School kid in the beginning, but . . as the issue progressed, he looked more and more like he could be Logan's son. And of course, with a story revolving around Wolverine, and I'm guessing eventually the new X-Men, there's a plethora of variant covers. I think there was like 6 all together. I wasn't going to get sucked in, but then I found 3 of them together on E-Bay for about $9. So . . I just had to do it. Anyways, I think this is going to be a great book. It's got huge potential. And since it's a part of the Ultimate Universe . . basically, anything goes. I just hope Jeph and Art use that freedom to help give this book a really original feel.

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