Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the Authority #19 - WildStorm

Everything is up in the air right now . . literally. And it's getting higher all the time. At the end of last issue, the Carrier, after receiving a beam of energy from outer-space, started powering up and preparing itself for transportation. The Authority got a little warning so they sent out a message to every meta on the planet, 'The Carrier is leaving. Stay behind, or leave with it' They gave the same option to all of those that had starting living on the Carrier. The homeless and forsaken that needed shelter. Some were quick to go, but some weren't. When it came down to it . . the ship left when it was ready. There wasn't anything anybody could do to stop it or speed it along. And whomever happened to be on board when the doors closed . . well, they didn't have the option anymore. There's a lot of upheaval during launch, and it's break from the Earth's atmosphere. But once in space, things start to calm down. Nobodies sure where they're headed, but . . they seem to be headed there in a hurry. Jack, Christine Trelane and Swift seem to have the best handle on things. But it isn't long before Christine starts assuming authority and barking orders. Once the trip starts, and things settle down, Jack calls all post-humans to the bridge to give them a sit-rep. 'StormWatch, WildCATS, Gen13. Not here. Look around you people . . you are the new Authority.' But . . I don't think anyone really cares about that as much as figuring out just what's going on, and where they're going. Between Jack and Christine they start trying to get things in order, but . . it's a pretty big ship, and there's an awful lot of people still on board. Plus . . not everyone is accounted for. Nobody has seen Angie, the Engineer. So they don't know if she made it on board or not. Unfortunately, she was really the only one that had any kind of report with the ship. Anyways, they go through all the motions, trying to establish order, but . . it may all be moot. Next thing they know they're coming up on the planet Daemon. 'I don't know how most of you are accustomed to working, but amateur hour is over. We will function as a team. If not, we die. Everyone dies. They say you don't truly know someone until you stand with them in battle. I think our first battle may be upon us.' Overall I really enjoyed this book. I think I'm going to like the shake-up. Plus, Jack has something up his sleeve. An 'ace in the hole', in case he needs it. I understood why they did the last shake-up, but . . things in London were starting to get depressing. And boring. Adam Freeman and Marc Bernardin are writing the book now. I can't really judge how they're doing because this was more of a reaction type issue. When they start working with the characters, and start developing dialogue and relationships, then we'll see how they handle things. I thought this issue was a good start, but . . like I said, it was mostly just a reaction to last issues events. Al Barrionuevo has taken over on the pencils. I think Al's work is fantastic. I've been a fan for a while, but he's never really had a book where he could strut his stuff and shine. I think this may be it. This could be . . correction, this should be a start to what will become a great story-line. I just hope they can follow through.

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