Personally, I love this book. Of course I love this character, so . . I'm probably a little biased. However, I really do think that Adam Beechen is doing a great job with this story. I think he's got Dick and Bruce playing just the right role, as far as their daughter's keeper. The part I'm having a bit of a problem with though is that Cassandra's whole mission here is to kill Cain. Really, that's what she's been after ever since she joined the Bat-family, but now she's just decided to do something about it. But I get that. I mean, he has done some horrible things to her and subjected her to a lot of trauma and psycho-babble. No, her hatred for him I get. The thing that I think is delusional is that she thinks that once she competes her mission that everything in the cave will go back to normal and she can be part of a big happy family again without this dark cloud hanging over her. And although I can see where her optimism lies . . to be truthful, I think it's completely unfounded. There's absolutely, no way, that Bruce, Dick and Tim will accept Cassandra back into the fold if she completes what she's vowed to do. She's convinced herself that it'll bring them all closer together, when, in fact, it will really just serve to drive them all apart. I'm not sure why she can't see that. But . . the series isn't over yet. At the end of this book, Cassandra comes face to face as she confronts Cain on a building across the street from the Clocktower Systems. She found out that his mission is to kill Oracle. So she's come to Platinum Flats to protect her mentor, and to finally put a stop to this cat and mouse game between her and her father. The question is, is she going to be able to do all of that . . without killing him? I know she wants to, but she's gotta know that it goes against everything that her new family stands for. And don't forget Marque. Cassandra has found out that she's actually her biological sister . . as well as a sister in arms . . but she can't let her get in her way. So she's cuts her achilles tendon and leaves her lying in the alley just before she goes up to confront Cain. But you just know she's not out of it. Somehow, she'll be involved in whatever happens next issue. Again, my hat goes off to J Calafiore for some terrific art. I know he's not everybody's cup of tea, but I think he draws some great action sequences. I also think that his style fits in perfectly with these Bat-books. Anyways, I can't wait to see how this all wraps up next issue. Cassandra is really one of my favorite characters.
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