Ok, it's been almost a year now that Spider-man, er . . the Amazing Spider-man, has been on it's 3 times a month schedule. There have been some decent stories in that time. But, there have also been some duds. My biggest complaint however, comes from the lack of character development. We've seen a lot of new characters. In the 12 months that this has been going on, we've seen at least as many new villains. Also there's few new characters in Spidey's supporting cast. But, basically, all we've really gotten so far is introductions. No real background, or introspection to speak of to get us bought into these new characters. Well . . I take that back. We have learned an awful lot about Jackpot. Well . . the second one . . who took the first one's name because she didn't want it. However, now she's dead. The second one, not the first. But Spidey laid a huge guilt trip on the surviving member, so who knows . . Jackpot may be popping back up here sooner or later. I'm really not trying to be a bummer. I love this character, and I've been a fan of this book for a long time. Hell, I got 2 long boxes full of them. But I really think what sets Spider-man apart from the rest of the super-hero community is his large, and interesting supporting cast of characters. We need to see them more. They need to be a more integral part of the story. And there needs to be character development every single story-arc. Hell, every single issue. Without that . . we have a story about what could be any other super-hero bouncing around New York city. I do think that Roger Stern and Lee Weeks turned in a nice story for this issue. Obviously it was a filler. But again, we get a new villain, but all we see of the cast is Spidey and Aunt May. The book isn't bad. Not by any means. But, this is one of those titles that I really expect a lot from. Unfortunately . . we haven't been getting it. Sorry!
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