I'm not really sure where to start with this one. I love this team, and I love these characters. But . . . I just wasn't overly thrilled with this book for some reason. Basically, last issue Angie took some of the refugees out on a scavenger hunt. They're looking for tech. Anyways, somehow, somewhere, one of them came down with the Warhol virus. They call it that because instead of the '15 minutes of fame', they get 15 minutes of power which is mostly driven by a murderous rampage. This is something that happens regularly out in the 'real' world, but not so much on the Carrier. So they've got protocols. Should an outbreak happen, all of the hulls in the infected areas are sealed, locking the contaminants in . . and then they sterilize the area. Angie's a smart cookie. Right? So she's got to know that when the situation arises, the proper steps are going to be taken. No matter who it is that's locked in. So . . . Jack Hawksmoor goes through the necessary steps. But everybody is mad at him for it. He's just looking out for the greater good. Midnighter calls down Apollo to break her out. But in doing so, they may have made an already bad situation worse. During the process Apollo gets bitten by one of the infected. When he goes back up to the sun to recharge it looks like he heals up, but . . I'm guessing this isn't the last we've heard of this. Plus, he never tells anyone else what happens, so you just know it's one of those secrets that's going to come back to bite them all later. Anyways, long story short, they get Angie and the survivors out, but . . now everyone thinks that Jack is an arse. Like I said, it just didn't thrill me. I will say, however, I'm really coming to be impressed by Simon Coleby's art. He's really getting his style down, and it seems like he's got a good grasp of this book and these characters. There's some really sharp looking panels in this issue. The best I can say is . . hopefully next issue will be better. I really do hope so.
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