Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the Mighty Avengers #32 - Marvel

So . . like I said last issue, I think this title is becoming my favorite Avengers title. But, having said that . . I'm afraid that Hank Pym is slipping back into that arrogant bastard mode again. After that trip to over-space where Eternity called him Earth's scientist supreme . . that's all he's been calling himself. 'I even had business cards made.' So, somewhere along the line someone is going to have to bring him down a notch or two. Anyways, the team is all over the place and showing up on the news everywhere. During the midst of this, they even have time to jump over to the Kree Empire and watch Pietro receive a medal for his actions during the trouble with the Unspeakable, or Unnamed, or Devos the Devastator. Whatever! During the event, he lied and said that when he stole the Terrigan mist that it wasn't him. He claimed to have been replaced with a Skrull. However, his daughter knows the truth. Because that's her power. Anyways, Hank's team has caught the notice of Norman Osborne. They are stealing his spotlight afterall. And Loki, in his usual devilish fashion, is trying to orchestrate events to do in Norman Osborn. To that end he releases the Absorbing Man inside of one of Norman's facilities . . Project Pegasus. Which in and of itself is bad. But, it's made worse because he's found some remnants of the Cosmic Cube. Norman wants to use this as a publicity stunt to up his ratings. But he's being manipulated by Loki. Loki has also posed as Wanda and informed Hank's team of Avengers about the same situation. Norman isn't happy about this, but . . honestly, with the Cosmic Cube involved, they may need all the help they can get. Like I said, I really like this title. I think Dan Slott is doing a terrific job with this team, and he seems to have a good handle on all of the individual characters, and their personalities, as well. Now that he's been here for a few issues, he's also got some various plot-threads dangling about out there. I'm really just thrilled with everything about this one. Well . . except for Hank's personality. But . . that may actually be a strength he has now. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Khoi Pham does the art. I think this guy is also getting better and better with every issue. Anyways, next issue we'll see how they deal with the Absorbing Man. And . . we'll see what happens between Norman and Hank. There's to much personality and testosterone between those 2 for one room.

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