Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blackest Night: Titans #2 - DC

On one hand I love the Titans and am thrilled to have another book featuring them on the stands. However, on the other hand, I'm kind of getting the feeling that these mini-series that are spinning off of the Blackest night book and just another way to sell more books. We started out with Batman, Superman and the Titans. After they're done we'll be moving on to the JSA, Flash and Wonder Woman. And while they're interesting and entertaining, there doesn't seem to be any real pertinent information that we're gathering here that we wouldn't be able to piece together by reading the Green Lantern, the GL Corps or the Blackest Night books. Yes we can expand on the various character's involvement and circumstances involved in Blackest Night . . which we wouldn't have time for in the main title. But . . it's still all just minutia. However, that being said . . it was an interesting issue. Donna has come face to face with her husband and son, Terry and Robert. She becomes infected after Robbie bites her neck. While Gar, Vic and Kory are still fighting Terra and Omen / Lilith. Also Dove, Dawn, is fighting Hank and Holly, after he kills her. I'm thinking Dawn may be some kind of key to this as they get no emotional reading whatsoever from her. During the fight, Terra brings the tower down on top of Cassie, Donna and Bart. And things go from bad to worse when at the end Tempest, Aquagirl, Wildebeest and Pantha show up. JT Krul does write an intriguing story. And I love Ed Benes' art. Especially with Scott Williams inking a few of the pages. But in the end . . it's all just a bunch of fight scenes and emotional manipulation. Yes it's interesting for us long time Titans followers, but . . to someone not familiar with the characters, I would think that it would all seem like some long drawn our brawl. I don't know. I could be all wrong about that. I guess that's just how it feels to me. Plus, I guess, it's frustrating because even though next issue is the final issue of the series, we won't really be wrapping up the story-line because we still have 4 more months to go with Blackest Night. We still have a lot of ground to cover before any of these various off-shoots come to any kind of resolution. But, as I said, it was great seeing some work from Ed again. I've really missed him over on Justice League. And, with everything I said . . it's not going to stop me from buying it . . so . .

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