Sunday, January 24, 2010

the Authority - the Lost Year #5 - WildStorm

Well . . last issue, the Authority barely escaped from that low energy world. In fact, they needed the help of one of it's inhabitants . . Ken. However, now that they have escaped, they're back in the Bleed, aboard the Carrier, but . . it's operating on minimal power . . doors and life-support. Somehow the 'baby universe' that powers the ship has been lost, and Angie feels that the Carrier is in a hibernation kind of mode. Now, to make matters worse, the Carrier seems to be under attack. They don't know what it is, but it seems to be some kind of virus or something. Actually, Jack refers to it as Barnacle scraping. You know, that stuff that attaches itself to the sides of ships in the ocean. Except this one seems to be more aggressive. The point that's really driven home during all of this though, is that when it comes down to it . . they don't know jack about the Carrier, the Bleed, or how any of this stuff operates. That's why they're afraid to use the doors to escape. They have limited range, and without any knowledge . . they could end up anywhere. They're guessing that this attack is some form of 'survival of the fittest'. They're acting out of instinct. It's not an aggressive attack, and they're not fighting back. It's almost like a memory . . of doing this before. They contemplate that maybe the Carrier was part of a species . . a space-whale of sorts, that these 'barnacles' drove to near extinction. But if that's so, why doesn't the Carrier seem to have any natural defenses? Anyways, the issues ends with the team having to make a decision. Either they stay and go down with the ship, or . . they take their chances with a door and see where they end up. Grant Morrison and Keith Giffen provide the story for this series. There's a lot of neat ideas that they're throwing about here. Jonathan Wayshak steps in on the pencils this issue. They looked . . ok. It was a different kind of style for this book. But . . he shows some promise. When he gets some more experience under his belt, he could be pretty good. I'm enjoying this series. I can't wait to see where it ends up.

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