Sunday, January 24, 2010

the Amazing Spider-man #618 - Marvel

The next story-arc through this book has something to do with Mysterio. Somehow it's all connected to the Maggia crime family. We see how over the last couple of years, this family has been taken apart, literally . . piece by piece. One by one, all of the key members of this family have been taken out. Silvermane, the boss, was one of the last. And anyone else that was left was taken out when there was a Maggia sit-down. We saw that in this book. It happened when Mr Negative came in and poisoned everybody. So anyways, Baby Bruno Karnelli becomes the head of the family. But ever since he took over, he's been driving the family business into the ground. That is until near the end of the issue when we see that most of these deceased family members never made it to the grave. They all had some kind of tricky way to get out of the hand that was dealt them. At least that's the way it appears . . for now. But we don't really see Mysterio this issue. Other than the one time he chimes in with the Karnelli's. So I'm thinking . . all of these people coming back from the dead is somehow Mysterios's doing. Most of the attention this issue is spent on the conflict between the Maggia and Mr Negative's Tong. However, a few other things of interest . . while Carlie is investigating the slaughterhouse that the Maggia own, her father comes back to talk to her. Obviously, that's impossible because he's dead. Also, May and Jay return from their honeymoon and May walks in on Mr Li doing some business in the backroom of the FEAST headquarters . . as Mr Negative. He does something to her. But we don't know what that is yet. We also find out that Jay is loaded. Oh yeah, and Hammerhead has switched sides from the Maggia to the Tong. Dan Slott and Marcos Martin are back with this story-arc. It's ok. I can't really tell how good it's gonna be until I see where it's heading. Mysterio has shown up a lot lately in the Spider-man book . . here and in the Ultimate Universe. I'm not sure why he's drawing so much attention lately, but . . it is making for an interesting book. Oh yeah . . and no Kraven's this issue either.

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