Thursday, October 29, 2009

X-Men Forever #10 - Marvel

With the picture on this cover . . obviously we know what this issue is about. But . . I have to say . . I expected something to happen. I don't know what. Just something. But this ends up being more of an interaction and character development book. There is one flare up between Creed and Remy, but . . I kind of think that was more out of frustration because of the way each of them are dealing with thier loss. And Hank, who now knows that the Consortium is 'up there' . . somewhere . . has blanketed the estate in a holographic projection so that this day they can be left in peace. Oh yeah, and Charles has redoubled his efforts to find a way to slow down this deterioration that occurs naturally in mutants when they expend their power. Anyways, there's a whole slew of visitors to the grounds . . the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, Excalibur . . even Bruce Banner and Nick Fury pay their respects. But no like dangling plot threads that we usually see in these quieter issues. Well . . you know what? I take that back. At the very end of the issue . . the last 3 pages . . Scott returns to Alaska after the funeral for a little down time. His grandparents are there to greet him . . they're still alive, and . . his son comes rushing out to meet his dad. 'Daddy! I missed you! I missed you! Can we go fishing, I saw a moose, and eagles, Gran'pa's teaching me to fly!' Hmmm! I'm sorry. Did I miss something? This could be an interesting development. I'm sure it involves Madelyn. Somehow. But we'll just have to wait and see where this goes. But the next issue is called . . 'Snap Trap!' Anyways, I think Chris Claremont is doing a fantastic job with this series. So far I like what he's done, and everything that's happened kind of seems like a natural chain of events. Well . . except for the whole Ororo thing. That was kind of shoved on us. But . . I really can't wait to see where he takes all of these characters. I think it's a great concept and I'm glad that he's running with it. The art this issue was by Paul Smith and Terry Austin. So it was a little reminiscent of day of old. I had a little nostalgic wave pass over me. Just a little. All in all I like this book. And I like the pace it's moving at.

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