Sunday, May 18, 2008

JSA Classified #37 - DC

This issue was ok. I haven't really been thrilled with this story over-all. I don't know why. I can't really pinpoint the problem. It's just . . not very exciting to me. It's a story that just seems to me like it doesn't really make that much of a difference. B Clay Moore writes it, and Ramon Perez does the art. Basically, over the last couple of issues, Wildcat has found out that someone is using his old Gyms go train hired thugs, or mercs. They train them and then farm them out to the highest bidder. Ted doesn't really have anything to do with the Gyms anymore, but it bothers him that something that he started for such altruistic reasons is being sullied. All of this is happening in Gotham, but surprisingly he doesn't run in to the Batman. He does however garner the help of Selina, Catwoman. This part of the story I love. I love when these two work together. They make a great team, and they play off of each other very well. The two of them together make pretty short work of the ring-leader and his gang of graduates. And Ted has time to contemplate his role in the world. I think he's kind of felt out of touch lately, with all of the work he's been doing with the JSA. So getting out here in the alleys, and beating up a few common street thugs, has done alot for his self-esteem and self-purpose. Overall I thought it was a decent story, it was just a little boring.

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