Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Amazing Spider-man #550 - Marvel

So we find out from this issue, that we're not going to be calling him the "grey-goblin", but rather Menace. I like that name better. Plus, the other way, we're all just assuming that it's going to turn out to be Harry underneath that mask. But that's to obvious. My vote? It's on his girlfriend, Lily. But . . I could be wrong. Anyways, the Blue Shield showed up at the end of last issue to arrest Spider-man, and it appears that Jackpot is going to help him. That is until Menace happens to fly by, and Spider-man breaks free to go after him. We get an up-close with him, but we still have no idea who it is, or what his motives are. But he does go after a political debate that's being held at the Apollo. More specifically he seems to be going after Councilwoman Parfrey and Mr. Crowne. But we don't really find out what that's all about yet this issue. Spidey also has his own problems. A Spider-tracer was found on a recent murder victim, and he makes contact with the investigating officer to try to figure out what's going on. It turns out, he wasn't the first. There's actually been a total of 5, over the last 3 months. And since Spider-man has positively identified the tracer as his, he's no wanted for questioning as the prime suspect. That's about the time that there's the explosion announcing the arrival of Menace over at the Apollo. Spidey sees the smoke, and wants to go help, but as he starts to head out the window, he finds that the building is surrounded by the NYPD. It's a Brand New Day, but it seems that Spidey still has the same old problems with the law. And the same old rotten Parker luck. But overall, I thought it was a good book. There's lots of stuff going on in this issue.

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