Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Supergirl #25 - DC

Ok, I was excited to learn that Drew Johnson would be the new penciller. Especially seeing as how Kelley Puckett would be remaining the scriptor. But, this issue it's split between him and Lee Ferguson. And I have to say, the end result, isn't all that good looking. I complained about Renato Guedes on his fill in issue for this book. But now, this stuff with Lee, isn't a whole lot better. I'm really not trying to rag on the talent of these creators. I just want to see this book succeed. I really think this character can make it . . this time. 4th or 5th times the charm. Right? But, unless they amp up the talent a bit, I'm afraid that people are going to lose interest. And this chapter in Kara's life, will go the way of the rest of them. Into oblivion. The stories pretty good. Last issue Kal took Kara to a spot where, with the physics of light, they could see in to the past of Krypton. The problem is, what he thought was a gift, actually stirred up a lot of old memories of her home. She didn't leave when she was a baby. She left when she was a teenager. So she remembers a lot more than Kal does. She remembers faces, and interactions, accomplishments, and disappointments. And, lately, she's really kind of sunk into an abyss with those feelings. But she doesn't get to dwell on them for to long, because Reactron shows up and decides to smack her down a little bit. She tries to talk to him. Find out what's going on, and how and why he's changed. But all he seems to want to do is show her what he's capable of. On the final page, we see the 2 of them in the middle of what looks like a mushroom cloud. I'm begging the editorial staff. Please don't let this book diminish in to another stereotype. Kara . . Supergirl . . deserves better than that. But, it seems like that's the direction we're heading. Please . . can we get a little more effort here?

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