Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Countdown presents - Lord Havok and the Extremists #3 - DC

Well, Liam Sharp didn't stick around on this series very long. That's to bad too. I really like his stuff. Especially on this sci-fi / adventure type stuff. But . . he did do the cover. So I guess that's something. However, Frank Tieri is still on the scripts. So the story will still be on track. Mark Robinson does the pencils this issue. He's

no Liam, but his stuff does have a neat style to it. This issue picks up after Monarch has asked Lord Havok to join his multi-dimensional army. Havok has refutely denied him. Yes his strength could help them achieve their goals, but I think Havok realizes that they would lose more out of the bargain than they would gain. Plus, as he suspects, Monarch's minions begin hunting down and killing Havok's men this issue. It seems kind of weird to see the origin and the death of a character in the same issue. But that's what we get this time. We see the birth and the death of Tracer. And it looks like we're going to get the same treatment next issue with Dreamslayer. I like this book, and these characters, but I am concerned. I'm concerned about where they're going to go after this mini. I mean, if this is their coming-out party, and their swan-song all in one, then, really, what's the point. What's are motivation to invest an interest in these characters if they're just going to be killed off by the end of the story? And why go to all the trouble in the first place to create them, if they're just going to be thrown away? I'm just asking because I have heard or seen anything yet as to their future. Any information would be good.

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