Sunday, December 30, 2007

Countdown to Adventure #4 - DC

I'll tell you what, with all these mini-series going on outside of the standard 52 or Countdown title, we are really covering a lot of ground with these characters. The weekly book has us watching a plethora of activity, across the DC Universe. But sometimes it's a little hard to spend to much time concentrated on one character. Well that's where I think these mini's come in. We start out with our space-faring group, Adam Strange, Animal Man and Starfire. They're all fighting an alien virus, but on different fronts. Adam is on Rann, and apparently the virus followed him there. And Animal Man and Starfire are stuck in a recently cordoned off San Diego. Actually, they're stuck inside with all of the lunatics. The Teen Titans attempt to come to their rescue, but some aliens recently showed up, and in their attempt to cure the infection, they've locked the entire city under a force field. What this story has really done though, is to make all 3 of them grow as individual characters. Meanwhile, Forerunner is fighting for her life on Earth 33 against Dark Angel. This is a world where all the familiar heroes have gone mystical in nature. Even Superman. And they all join Forerunner in her fight, which eventually lead to them driving Dark Angel out. But, they refuse the offer of Monarch and Forerunner to join their interstellar army. They even go so far as to offer Forerunner a bit of a warning as to the nature of the man she's working with. Through the course of all this, Monarch and Forerunner have a falling out, to the point that Monarch decides to dismiss her and discards her out in deep space. An interesting turn of events. So where does Forerunner go from here? Only Justin Gray and Fabrizio Fiorentino know, and they aren't telling. This issue! Also I think Adam Beechen and Allen Goldman did a great job with the first story.

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