Monday, December 24, 2007

the Boys #12 - Dynamite Entertainment

What a fantastic series. It's gruesome. And wicked as hell. But, it's all in the scope of the story. It's not gruesome, just to be gruesome. It's gruesome because that is the world that these people live in. The Boys have gone to Russia. They've hooked up with an ex-Soviet "super", because he doesn't like what's being done to mother-Russia. In the vacuum of the absence of the Communist government, a hardcore gangster group has risen. It's known as the ROC. And apparently, right now, it's shots are being called by one Nina Namenko. She's a ball-buster with the best of them, but she looks like an 8 year old girl. It seems that she's gathered up all the stray "supers" in the country, and is holding them all in one place so she can eliminate anyone who doesn't want to play along. I guess she's going to try to make a coup and take over the country. Her motives are a little ambiguous at the moment. All we really know is that she's working with someone from the US. I'm not sure if he's government affiliated or not. If he's not . . . . then he works for the major power-players. They realize that our little group of neophytes are in the country, and they're trying to take them out. But of course Butcher can play the game better than that. So with this issue, everyone appears to be in position. Next issue, somebodies going to have to make a move. And when they do . . then the game's going to be in play. And when that happens . . . there's going to be crap raining down all over the place. It's about to become a very . . . "red" country. Fantastic story and art by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. This is a creator owned title, and you can really tell that these guys love what they're doing here. My only complaint, is that I'd like to see the stories get in to the background and motivations of some of the individual players. The only one we've really seen anything about is Hughie. And he's probably the weakest member of the team. But despite that, it's still and action packed book with lots of surprises. This one is easily in my top 10 every month.

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