Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Superman / Batman #60 - DC

This book feels more and more like the old World's Finest series to me every issue. That series had a lot of stories about different worlds, or dimensions. It had a lot of 'what if?' stories. That's where Nightwing and Flamebird originally came from. Superman and Batman went to visit the bottle city of Kandor, but they didn't want anyone to realize who them were. So they wore the costumes of their legendary heroes, Nightwing and Flamebird. They also had the 'Son of Superman / Son of Batman' stories. It was a great series. This series is starting to feel the same, in ways, to me. This issue the duo find themselves in another unknown universe. This story is called Mash-Up, because everything is familiar her . . it's just all mashed together. The boys don't know how they got here. They were patrolling through their respective cities, when . . they turned a corner and things just weren't the same anymore. I guess 'supers' aren't allowed here, so when they're spotted the Justice Titans come to apprehend them. Like everything else . . they're in the city of Gothamopolis, for gods sake . . this team is a conglomeration of the JLA and the Titans. The heroes include, Star Canary, Aquaborg, Nightlantern, Hawk Beast, Flash, Terranado and Donna Wonder. They fight a villain called Doomstroke, and everything is choreographed by this world's villain, Lex Joker. I know. It all seems kind of silly. But, as you're reading it . . everything actually does all fit together. I know . . on the splash page where we're introduced to the Justice Titans . . when I first saw the characters, I thought that this looked like a really silly story. We don't really know who's behind all of this yet. Batman makes the logical assumption that it's probably Mxyzptlk or Bat-Mite. But there's nothing really to verify who's the master-mind. Like I said, it seems more and more like the World's Finest every issue. Michael Green and Mike Johnson are doing a great job with the stories here. And this issue Francis Manapul fills in on the pencils. Well . . probably for this arc. I'm guessing that they have to do these types of stories, what with the fate of Batman up in the air and all. But personally . . I like 'em. Gothamopolis? What a funky name.

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