Thursday, May 28, 2009

Elektra - Dark Reign #3 - Marvel

The first 2 issues of this series were spent acclimating Elektra back into our world. This series started immediately after she was brought back to Earth on one of the Skrull ships. We then see her break out of her SHIELD . . now HAMMER, holding cell and escape from the Helicarrier. And at the end of last issue she ends up on the doorstep of Foggy Nelson's office. Nobody has given this poor woman any time to recuperate. She's just gone from one bad situation to the next. Kind of like Indiana Jones. This issue she finds out just what people are willing to do for this 82 million dollar price tag that's been put on her head. This tag-team of assassins come after her, but they quickly find out that even in her weakened state she's probably more than the even the above average merc could handle. They expect her to be a walk in the park, because she's still pretty tore up, but . . she shows them the error of their ways pretty fast. One of them comes in fast and hard, while the other sits blocks away with a sniper rifle. The one is supposed to hack away and tear her down, while the other patiently sits and waits for the shots. There's only 1 problem. Remember last issue? Norman told Bullseye he was allowed to go visit Elektra. The sniper is laying in wait on the roof, when all of the sudden he has a guest. Bullseye, dressed in his Hawkeye uniform, quickly stabs him in the neck with an arrow. "Yeah, she's great, isn't she? Sorry, I get kind of jealous. No one gets to kill her . . but me!" So next issue, are we going to get Bullseye vs Elektra. Ohh . . baby!! Also during this issue, Norman has captured a couple of Skrulls. He wants to know why they were experimenting on Elektra so much. "Sh-she had found a way to hide memories from us . . some sort of mind trick. We had to resort to ancient barbaric techniques . . but the memories were a sacrament! They were to important! The memories of her resurrection." And now Norman's curiosity is truly peaked. I'm a little biased, but . . I really like this series. But what I'm really hoping is that there's something else lined up after these 5 issues. There's nothing listed yet, but . . I'll keep hoping. Jeb Wells is writing this series and Clay Mann is doing the art. I think both are doing a pretty decent job. I'm not thrilled with the art, but . . when it comes down to it, I really don't care. The story and the character is more than enough for me. However, we do get these beautiful Lee Bermejo covers. They really look fantastic. If you aren't reading this one . . you might want to. I have a feeling this story is going to be an important step towards Elektra's future.

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