Sunday, June 08, 2008

DC/WildStorm: Dreamwar #2 - DC/WildStorm

I only have 1 problem with this book . . it's not really happening. I know! It's a comic book . . so it isn't really happening. Don't worry, I haven't lost touch with reality. What I mean is . . it's not really happening inside of the regular DC or WildStorm continuity. Other than in this book . . it's not really happening anywhere else. So, unfortunately, there's nothing about the outcome that will have anything to do with either Universe's existence. Once that realization falls in to place, then there's no investment into the story by the reader. Other than the thrill of seeing our favorites from both Universe's pairing off against each other. The other problem I have is, from this issue, it appears that the perspective is a little skewed towards the WildStorm heroes, and it's making it look like the DC characters are the aggressors. Also, I don't really understand the time-line . . or more specifically, exactly when these characters are coming from. The Teen Titans characters are from the George Perez era. They've got Starfire, Donna and Cyborg. But the JLA is from a time much earlier than that. Green Arrow's in his old costume for god's sake. And when I say old, I mean old. Like from the 70's issues of JLA. Also the Legion is from the 70's. It's when their clubhouse looked like an inverted rocket. And Dream Girl makes reference to Chimera Lad. Who the heck is that? In this issue, the Teen Titans face off against Gen13, the JLA against the Authority, and the JSA against the geriatric crowd in Tranquility. Like I said, it all just seems a little "off" to me. Maybe it'll make more sense as the series goes along, but right now . . I'm a little lost. Oh yeah, and Green Arrow gets his neck broken this issue also. It's brought to us by Keith Giffen, Lee Garbett and Trevor Scott. Overall, it's a very nice looking book. And, really, it's an enjoyable read. I just don't understand how it all fits . . or even if it's supposed to.

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