Monday, June 09, 2008

Blue Beetle #27 - DC

I'm kind of surprised that this relationship between Jamie and Tracy is going so well. I'm not trying to be negative about it, but . . they just have so many things going against them. First of all there's the whole science and magic thing. It just seems to me that there would be a lot more friction between them because of the sources of their powers. I don't mean like personal friction, I mean like magnets . . polar opposites. Secondly, it may just be me, but Tracy does seem a bit bossy. I know she has a lot more experience with her powers, and, I would guess, she's probably a bit older than Jamie. Add to that the fact that women mature faster . . . I think it's the role she's comfortable with. Finally, the relationship between Jamie and the Scarab is really entering new territory. I'm not sure if the Scarab's sentient. But, it does seem aware of it's existence. And if that's true, than Jamie is it's whole life. It has nowhere else to go . . even if it wanted to. So, I could see it being, maybe, jealous . . or at the least stand-offish about Jamie's friendship, or relationship, with Tracy. I mean, back on the Reach ship, Jamie and the Scarab did actually save each other. We could argue that the Scarab was just doing what it was told, but . . I think there's more to it than that. Anyways, this issue was the usual stuff if the story of their burgeoning relationship. There was a threat that seemed more magical in nature, and together they figured out how to beat it. However, this time, it seems that Tracy did most of the work because of it's magical origins. I'm not sure how Jamie feels about that. But the main thing that's come to my attention out of this issue? These characters have prompted this much speculation from me about their on-going lives. For me, it speaks volumes about the writer if the story sparks this much emotional reasoning. This book, and this character, have really come a long way. I'm still not thrilled with the art, but, obviously, the stories have sucked us in. And really, in the end, that's all the creators can ask for. Mission accomplished!

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