Saturday, June 23, 2007

Batman #665 - DC

This is a really cool book. Andy Kubert rocks. And as much as Andy rocks . . . Grant Morrison is the maestro that make all these characters jump through his little hoops. Batman's chased all the super-powered villains out of town. For some reason they all thought they could come here to roost . . . that year that Batman was taking the hiatus. I guess they weren't that intimidated by Harvey. Anyways, Batman has returned, and is taking ownership of his town again. But now that they're out of the way, he and the Commissioner have realized that there's a lot more dirt in town. And it's in the Police Dept. and every city agency on up through the Mayor. Batman's close to, not officially, but close to being a criminal again. And with Damian hanging about in the wings out there somewhere, Robin's on edge too. He feels he has to prove himself more to Bruce now, since he's only the adopted son. And the fact that Damian is the offspring of Bruce and Talia, so . . . he probably has a genetic advantage. But he also has a psychological disadvantage . . . also because of Talia. But we'll have to wait and see how that all plays out. Right now, Batman is trying to clean up his streets. But . . . he also has to stay out of the way of the Police. Actually, he has to try to not even be seen by the Police. Interesting conundrum. It also seems as if he's baiting Talia. As Bruce he's dating a super-model. And he's not being very discrete about it. In fact if anything, he seems to be throwing it out there for the whole world to see. And Talia's taken notice. But . . . we'll have to wait until next issue to see how she reacts. This is already one of the best characters on the shelves, now . . . with Grant writing it . . . it's going to Legend status. Hell . . . they already have action figures out from Grant's story-arc's. Soon they'll all be in trade paperback. But only you, can say you were here when it happened. Don't miss out. Because . . . you will.

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