Saturday, February 17, 2007

Exiles #89 - Marvel

We're starting to get hints that the fix, with Morph, isn't going to last forever. But then, we knew something was going to happen sooner or later. It seems like they're having to reprogram the inhibitor more and more frequently. Heather is starting to notice that things with Proteus/Morph don't always seem to add up. Such as his weakness to anything metal. In order to trick him in to putting on the inhibitor, they had to blink it in to the Atlantean crown that he stole. But obviously the crown was made of metal. Hmm?? Well anyways, they seem to be ok, at least until he has a run-in with Emma Frost, and after Longshot breaks their psychic bond, Morph start speaking with a Scottish accent. But then, when he's less shaken up, he goes back to normal. This is a situation that I'm sure will be expanded on as we go farther in to this series. We also get a glimpse of Thunderbirds dreams, while he's trapped in the stasis wall. At first he's dreaming about Apocolypse, and what he's done to him. But, as the dreams progress, he comes to realize that Apocolypse isn't really that important. He's actually making him more important than he is, because of their history. But T-bird realizes that it's friends and family that's really the most important, and his dreams become a lot more copacetic after that. I'm sure we'll see more of T-bird in the future. Great series, and great cast of characters.

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