Saturday, January 20, 2007

X-Men - Phoenix Warsong #4 - Marvel

We're still dealing with the Cuckoo's this issue. We're back at the World, the Weapon Plus training headquarters. It's a little confusing, but the Phoenix is centered in Celeste. It's also giving little pieces of itself to it's sisters. But in the main chamber, where all the other sister's, clones, are in their incubation tubes, the Phoenix fries them all. We also find out, as if we didn't know, that all these girls came from Emma's eggs. The purpose of this experiment was to have the sisters, not individually, but as a whole tied into the World's computer system. With so many telepathic minds connected, it created the world's strongest telepathic weapon. Which could be controlled and unleashed via three focal points, the three sisters. It's goal, to destroy all mutants. Of course. What else would it be there for? The computer, a simulation of Dr. Sublime convinces them that they have to expel the Phoenix from Celeste because the computer can't handle the energy. But it's all a ruse, because he really wants the energy expelled so that the computer can suck it in. And thereby become all powerful. So, now that we know what the plan is, now we have to see how the X-men are going to disrupt that plan. Next issue is the last in this series, so it all has to come to a head then. It'll be interesting to see how they wrap this all up. Oh, and again thanks to for their help with the cover.

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