Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Green Arrow #64 - DC

This book just keeps getting better and better. Judd Winick is doing a great job as scribe, and Scott McDaniel is really getting his groove on at pencils. Star City has been divided by a wall. All the dregs, and criminals and generally anti-social types, are on the other side. So being who he is, Ollie decides to go over there to see what's going on. He finds Brick in the middle of a rampage a mouth frothing, mind controlled, junkie zombies. So of course he comes to his aid. They fight their way through town, and after beating some guys up, find out where there "Junk" is being stashed. They find a warehouse filled with little bottles labeled Morphine, but obviously they're not, because "this is what all those users shot up with, and it turned them Rabid". But by the time they get around to doing anything about it, they're being swarmed over by junkies, or zombies, or whatever. But luckily Speedy arrives in the nick of time with a concussion arrow to save the day. But unfortunately that's the end of the story. We also get to see what Slade's up to as he's getting put in prison and they're trying to decide what to charge him with. The reason I like Judd's style of writing, is because he keeps it fast paced. There's really no time to slow down and breathe from the beginning to the end of this book. This is a must read book every month.

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