Sunday, June 18, 2006

JSA #86 - DC

First I'm a huge George Perez fan. So, his covers over the last couple of issues have been phenomonal. Paul Levitz does a good job of bringing some of the JSA's old history back to haunt them, literally. Jerry Ordway, who has an old style feel to his artwork while remaining crisp & fresh, is perfect for these stories. And, finally, Luke Ross, who is doing the history fill-in pages for the Gentleman Ghost, is doing his painted work, which he started on Jonah Hex, and it is awesome. The Gentleman Ghost has come back, which we've seen hints of over the last 6 to 8 months, and has decided that he wants to come back to life. Well in order to do this, he has to bring all the people he hates into a certain place, at a certain time, and kill them. Enter the JSA. Now the twist to this story is that through the process of all this, we've find out that Stargirl's powers and his don't seem to work on each other. Therefore, somehow, she's going to be the key to bringing him down. This book is so good because there is such a rich cast of characters. All of these characters could be in their own books, and some have here or there. But in this group setting they all put their egos aside to to work together, and do what they have to do to beat whatever foe they're fighting at the time. This is a true team book. And one of the originals to. This book takes you back to the feel of the JSA, JLA or ever Avengers of the 70's. It's a fun read, and you get to see alot of your favorite characters. To bad it's coming to an end.

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