Wednesday, June 14, 2006

52 Week 5 - DC

I love how these 4 writers (Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka , Mark Waid) are putting this book together. The opening page is Animal Man's wife and daughter standing in the front yard of their house. The wife is taking down a banner that says, "Welcome Home Hero". And the daughter says, "Dad's not coming home from space, is he?" I mean, to them, being off in space, or wherever, is as commonplace as being over in Irag for the war. Alan Scott shows up to tell her that Buddy is missing, so she decides that there is still hope and unrolls the banner. I mean the nuances that they are putting into these characters are spectacular. Anyways, Alan Scott is back missing an eye, and the one that he does have isn't his. Who's is it? Shayera is back, but she's about 40 feet tall and in a coma. And Firestorm and Cyborg are back, but they've been fused together. Oh, and Mal Duncan came through also, but he has some type of speaker aparatus, from Red Tornado, clamped onto his chest. Oh, and Animal Man, Adam Strange (who has no eyes) & Koriandr are stranded on a beautiful, exotic world together. This weekly serial that they're putting together is outstanding. I haven't seen this much character development written in to a story in a long time. I know the "super-hero" books are all about the fights, and teamups and larger than life situations. But, I really like to get invested in the characters that I'm reading about. I really like this book. In case you couldn't tell. If you're not buying this, you need to. Go back, find the first four, do what you gotta' do, but get on board with this series. You won't regret it.

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