As with the last few issues of this series, I thought issue #5 was kind of boring. Sure it had that pulp/crime drama kind of feel to it. But I guess I expected much more from such an iconic character. Doc and his team are still on the run. With the lightning strikes on them and their assets by Tom Shaw, back in New York City, plus he's being blamed for a politician's murder and the bomb that went off in the Empire State building . . Doc and his team have decided to skip the country and try to regroup. Although to me, that doesn't seem like the best course of action. Especially for a man who's not guilty. But, I'm not the writer, so . . whatever. Anyways, they end up in Greece and Clark decides to call in a few favors. He gets
ahold of an old friend . . Nikos
Eurystheus. He's a 'businessman' in Greece, with enough holdings and pull that he should be able afford Clark and his men a brief respite. The problem is, his is an organization that is also in disarray. Mostly from internal strife, but . . Tom and his team get mixed up right in the middle of it. Long story short, these are some problems that they don't really have the time or inclination to deal with right now. So they move on. This issues was brought to us by B Clay Moore and Howard Porter. It was an '
ok' issues. But like I said, I think I just expected more. Anyways, with issues #6 and #7 we get a new creative team.

Ivan Brandon and Brian
Azzarello do the story, while
Nic Klein does the art. Right off the bat we really get sucked into this story. Being on the lamb in this part of the world, Clark is pulled into all the political drama that engulfs this region. Right from the very first page, with the image of the war-torn orphans, Siamese twins, that are pleading for the release, and freedom of their country, you can just tell that this is going to be a haunting tale. Basically this is a story about a very small country that has been built on the rubble of the past, literally . . with pieces and parts of whatever they could find, this city has been literally scrapped together from refuse of the past. It really is a disturbing image. But, in the process, they've also accumulated all the weapons of mass destruction that have littered the secret hiding holes and burrows of this land. Growing up on a farm, as a kid I saw every day as a discovery. Our farm had many buildings, so as a child it seemed like every day I discovered a new place, or cubbyhole, that I hadn't seen before. Growing up in the mid-west there weren't any caves or anything, but . . with the size and amount of the buildings, especially to a young child, I always approached the farm as an explorer. Plus there were woods to go through. Anyways, my point is . . I couldn't imagine growing up in a place where that exploration and discovery would be impeded by the threat and climate of it's political and social-economic influence. There . . kids can't be kids. They're utilized in the schemes of men at such an early age, they don't get the opportunity to see the world with a child's imagination. To me . . that's the saddest part of this

story. And for Ivan and Brian to construct such a tale . . making the reader feel the torment and frustration of the people just trying to make a place in the world . . it really is a testament of their ability and brilliance. The other thing I liked about their story was the way they described Clark's abilities, and perception of his foreboding presence from those around him. Most of this world knows Clark to be a hero. But to those in his immediate vicinity, especially to those that may have to come into conflict with him . . his presence is just as large but equally scary. Also, I'd never even heard of
Nic Klein before, but . . his style of art, along with the haunting influence he portrays with the colors and shadow, really serves to enhance the feeling of this story. Issue #7 ends with a disturbing image of this country, from Clark's and the
twin's eyes, as the horizon of this country literally burns. 'Our god made a river of oil that flows beneath us. But now our god is angry.' I thought issues #6 & #7 were fantastic. I can't wait to see where they go from here. As a side note . . I haven't been paying that much attention to the
Justice Inc story in the back. It's by Jason Starr and Scott Hampton. I'm just not that interested in it. Sorry!
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