Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Avengers / Invaders #10 - Marvel / Dynamite Entertainment

Well, the first 10 issues of this book have led up to a good old-fashioned fist fight that I'm sure we'll see in the final 2 issues. Paul Anslem, the soldier that accidentally came forward in time with the Invaders, was the first to return to the past. The problem? He grabbed the Cosmic Cube on the way into the mist and took it into the past with him. By the time the Invaders, and the Avengers also got back there . . the entire face of the world had changed. In this world the Nazi's had indeed won the war, but it wasn't under the maniacal machinations of the Fuhrer . . it was under the heavy fist of the Red Skull. Now the heroes have to attempt to retrieve the Cube and hopefully 'fix' the world. The Avengers have disguised themselves as heroes of the war to better blend in. This issue they go to Wakanda for the Black Panther's help. He has a machine that can burrow though the Earth and is cloaked from the enemies gaze. With this they hope to enter the enemy territory behind the wall that surrounds most of Europe. The problem though is going to be getting to the Cube. It appears that the Red Skull won't let it out of his grasp. And that's not all he holds dear. On the final page he enters into a room where he's got all the 'heroes' of the war pinned to the wall like so many captured butterflies. Like I said, I think it's just going to be a major slug-fest next issue. Oh yeah, we see Nick Fury and his Howling Commando's this issue also. That was neat. I mean, don't get me wrong. All in all it's a pretty cool story. I just think it's going to end the way all the great war-comics did . . the 'good guys' fight the 'bad guys' . . ground is lost, and gained . . along with soldiers. But in the end . . 'good' overcomes 'evil'. It's simple. But, it's tried and true. Another fantastic issue by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger and Steve Sadowski. We've only got 2 to go. Enjoy it while you can.

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