Saturday, September 30, 2006

Personal Notes - From Me

I gotta say, this is turning out to be a little more than I anticipated. When I thought this up, I felt that by blogging my views and opinions of the books that I read, it would help me appreciate them more. Especially since I can skim through a new book now in about 7 or 8 minutes. I was starting to feel like I wasn't really enjoying, or savoring, the experience. So I thought that if I took the time to sit down and compose my thoughts, after reading a book, that it would help me to understand and enjoy that sublte nuances of the books I was reading. To this end, I feel that it has been an accomplishment. However, I'm not working my way through my weekly pile as fast. I don't want my reading to get to far ahead of my posting, because then it feels like a job when I'm trying to catch up. And I gotta' say, I've been collecting and reading for a long time, and I enjoy it alot. I really don't want anything to diminish the joy I feel when I pick up a new book and start skimming through the adventures of some of my favorite characters. Add to this that I am an active Ebayer, and sometimes it feels like comics really consume all of my time. It's a good thing I work for a living. And, to add insult to injury, the new season of the networks has started. Try to tell me all of you weren't tuned in to "Heroes" the other nite for it's preview. I know you were. I was. But there are so many other shows that I watch. A short list includes: Smallville (of course), Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer, Studio 60, Two & 1/2 Men, According to Earl, Numbers, Eureka, Dr. Who (again, of course), Battlestar Galactica (starts this week, YAY!!) , Nip/Tuck, Smith, Jericho, Justice, Heroes (of course), CSI Miami, New vs Old Christine, Close to Home, How I met your mother, Happy Hour, Class, and 2 that I'm highly anticipating - the return of Medium, and the new series Dexter on Showtime. Now these aren't in any particular order. Hell, it's not even the complete list. But, Smallville is actually at the top of the list. All I can say is that TIVO is the greatest invention ever. So, between comics, work and my shows, how do I have any time for my girlfriend? That's what she's asking also. But, I guess, it all comes back to comics being my passion. And when you find a passion, you do whatever you have to to maintain that passion. My girlfriend is my passion to, but that's a whole 'nother story. And just in case you're wondering, some of my recent aquisitions from Ebay include some World's Finest, Brave and the Bold, old Fantastic Four, and some old Jonah Hex. Just feeding the "gotta-havit", I mean habit. Anyways, I just wanted to indulge myself, step away from the comic postings for a second, and jot down some of my personal thoughts. Thanks for listening. And maybe if I feel the flood gates starting to buckle in the future, I'll do this again.

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